Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update on The Move...

So we have finally made it here and are settled in. Yes we still have not found our dream house so we are just living in his grandmas basement but they have been so good to us. It has been a blast. It is so nice to be back here with all the girls. Yesterday Lori, Aarons aunt and the triplets, all went to Logan and went shopping and went and picked up the girls's prom dresses and they all look so beautiful.. I can't believe what good girls those girls are i am so sad that they are graduateing this year and will be leaving me i will be so sad. But i am so proud of them and there accomplishments. Anyways. Aaron loves being back at pepsi he loves BRian The other pepsi driver they get along so well and the hole job thing is going so well soo far. I am so excited it is like it has all fallen right in to place. I love ity here the people are so wonderful and welcoming and i missed it so much here. We are so sad that we have to leave gooding and I will miss all my friends that i made there but this is where we are ment to be.. To help grandpa and grandma out with what ever they need. I just want to tell my family how much I appreciate all that they have done for me and aaron. It has ment the world to me. We wouldnt be where we are now with out all of the love and support and I appreciate all that you do. But hopefully i will get some pic. of weston up here soon. But he is loving being able to still play in the snow and get all wet still he is loving the sunshine and they long walks that we take everyday. It has been so good and he has been a good sport about the whole move and has been a good boy. WE will miss you all and apprecaite all that everyone has done but are so excited to start a new chapter in our book and try our hardest to do the best that we can. Thank so much and everyone come and visit...

1 comment:

Dallas and Shelby Scoffield said...

We sure miss you guys so much already. Give Wessy lots of hugs from me and Livvy- she couldn't stand it that he wasn't coming to play with her at Exercise anymore :). Love you tons