Friday, April 3, 2009

Weston 2nd Birthday

So Yesterday was Weston's 2nd Birthday and yes he is definatly in his twos. We started the day out by waking up surpriced by Laramie, he's aunt. She came home from seminary to write him a birthday note with posted notes. Then Grandma Turner cooked him some eggs and toast his favorite. Then We clean our appartment all day and we got to stop for a little break to celebrat my birthday with my family becasue we won't be here. So it was a fun day. Then last night we all got together All my brothers and sisters and the cousins and we celebrate his birthday with cake and ice cream and some pizza and then opened some presents. IT was so much fun thanks everyone for everything. He got a lot of cute things. he loved them. He is growing up so fast . It is so sad that we are moving to Montpelier this weekend aaron is leaving later today to take all of our things. and Weston and I will follow behind shortly on sunday. to celebrate some more of his birthday with the other side of the family we are so excited to move to monpelier and to see the leonhardt and loyd side all the time. But we are for sure sad to be leaving my family. IT has been such a fun year living here you all have helped us out so much. I appreciate your wonderful example and love we love you all so much and we hope you will all come and visit..... Anyways here are some pictures of his fun birthday party in Gooding.


Taryn and Cameron said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe he is so old!

Brandon N Tessa said...

SO now that you are back we need to hang out lots cuz we dont ever do anything... We are like friendless so its good to have some friends back...